Job Opportunities : Key into digital Journalism – Versity Don

Student have been advised to at every point  make positive usage of the internet in enhancing their horizon in information dissemination and also for job creation.


The dean, college of management and social sciences, Samuel Adegboyega University, Ogwa, Prof Ezekiel Asemah made the call when delivery lecture on the topic: Journalism and Society; The Role of Digital Journalism. organized by the department of Mass Communication, Edo State Polytechnic, Usen.


According Prof Asemah; digital Journalism facilitate socio interaction, give people voice and can also be used for education.


“These roles when properly key into by student of mass communication, they don’t need to be searching for jobs. blogging alone can sustain you after graduation from school.


“One of my former students as we speak today is making it big in the area of citizen journalism he added.


Earlier, the Rector of the Polytechnic, Prof. Abiodun Falodun urged students present to use digital Journalism as a tool to enhance the advancement of the school, the state and Nigeria.

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Iyamu osazee Kelly
Iyamu osazee Kelly
March 22, 2022 7:44 pm


Ekahem Simon odo
Ekahem Simon odo
March 22, 2022 8:31 pm

Congratulationsto us