Something I Bet You Didn’t Know About Ethiopia

I bet you didn’t know that the Ethiopian year is comprised of 13 months and is seven years behind the rest of the world in Gregorian calendar.

September 11th 2007 , Ethiopians celebrated the new millennium. This is because the Ethiopians continued with the same calendar that the Roman church amended in 525 AD.

The East African country is seven years behind the rest of the world because it uses coptic calendar while the rest of the world uses Gregorian calendar which has 365 days and 366 days in a leap year.

Legit sources confirmed that while it was the year 2020, Ethiopia, on the 11th of September entered the year 2013 and the people in the country celebrated the new year amid the corona virus pandemic ravaging the world .

Ethiopia follows a calendar similar to the ancient Julian calendar which started to disappear from the west in the 16th century.

Ethiopia Calender

The Ethiopian calendar is also similar to the Coptic Egyptian calendar since both have thirteen months, twelve of which have thirty days and an additional month at the end of the year called pagume which means forgotten days in Greek.

This last month has 5 days or 6 days in a leap year.While the rest of the world is living in 2022, in Ethiopia, the year is currently 2014 until September 11th.

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Okoro titilayo
Okoro titilayo
June 30, 2022 5:53 am
