Indecent Dressing, A Taint On Our Cultural Disposition (Part 3)

Many of them because of how they dressed has at one time or the other become victims of rape, lured into prostitution, used for ritual purposes, unable to complete their education or training, and also engaged in other ancillary social and moral problems like cultism, lying, and other anti-social behaviour.

Although there are no known universally acceptable way or ways of dressing, dresses are meant to serve some definable purpose, country, or region notwithstanding.

Olori (2003) reported that at the University of Abuja rules were made that any dress worn must cover an intimate part of the body, must not expose the breast, stomach, navel, and bare chest, but on this campus students still dress indecently.

In some of the areas where this observation was made, it seems that the introduction of a dress code by culture was misinterpreted by the youth, to mean they should dress decently.

This is because what became obvious with youths in these areas after the introduction of this dress code was the alarming and arrant ways that they begin to dress indecently.

Onee is not however surprised because what is typical of most Nigerian administrators is always a wide gap between policy and formulation and execution.

Indecent dressing even though is not accepted as the normality, seems to be gaining ascendancy.

One wonders what becomes of the society tomorrow with the caliber of youth that is being trained. If rules are made for people, they are supposed to be adequately informed of why such rules are made.

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Indecent dressing and deliberate exposure of body parts in the society today most especially by the youths is now a trend.

This practice is now common in public places like in churches and offices, indecent dressing is more advance and people now defend it with common phrases which is the problem of our generation; Only God can judge me, man cannot, leave them alone’’ and everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.

The trend in our society now is that one cannot condemn any wrong doing again because the reward are usually curses, malice and condemnationThis is also the cause of the increase in sexual harassment recorded in the society, in the name of fashion ladies dress half naked to function for instance, Nigerian ladies derives pleasure in wearing bumper shot, armless tops etc, while guys have been subject to arrest, boys nowadays fix hairs, pierce ears, making them look like hardened crimina.

Parent are also part of this problem, nowadays, some parents encourage their offspring by buying them these kind of cloth or recommend their children to attend parties

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