The Mandatory Use Of The National Identification Number (NIN) In Transactions

Did you know that the use of the National Identification Number (NIN) is mandatory in several agreements and contracts such as tenancy, deed of transfer, issuance of birth certificate, etc?

Below are some of the transactions that require the use of the NIN.

i. change of ownership of aircrafts, ships, boats, motor vehicles and motor cycles;

ii. registration and use of aviation services by airline operators and customers;

iii. purchase of travel tickets or tokens for air, rail, road and water transportation;

iv. boarding of aircrafts, trains, commercial vehicles, ships and boats;

v. registration for and purchase of insurance policies;

vi. acquisition, sale or transfer or transmission of shares or equities and other financial instruments;

vii. recruitments for temporary and permanent employment;

viii. enrolment or registration for internal and external examinations with educational and examination boards;

ix. enrolment into primary, secondary and tertiary schools and continuous professional studies in Nigeria;

x. registration and eligibility for bursary and other social benefits;

NIN card

xi. registration and membership of professional bodies;

xii. issuance of birth certificates;

xiii. issuance of driver’s license;

xiv. registration of voters;

xv. tax identification;

xvi. operating a bank account;

xvii. executing any contract or business agreement;

xviii. tenancy agreements;

xix. obtaining and processing of probate documents;

xx. all transactions involving the acquisition, use or transfer of parcel of land or landed properties;

xxi. any transaction, contract or agreement for a valuable consideration and for the transfer of any interest, tangible or intangible.

Source: Mandatory Use of the National Identification Number Regulations, 2017.

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