Eidel-kabir: Police Deployes Over 3000 In Edo

As part of effort to ensure peaceful celebration of the 2022 muslim eidel-kabir, Edo state Police Command has deployed over thirty thousand officer to various traffic and public centres.

According to the press statement by the deputy police public relations officer, ASP Jennifer Iwegbu while trying to ensure adiquate security personnels at various centres, the command wishes to felicitate with the muslim faithfuls in the state during this period of the celebration.

“The Commissioner of Police, CP Abutu Yaro has deployed Police and traffic personnel in an effort targeted at decimating Crimes and criminality and improving security of lives and properties”

Tactical commanders, DPO’s and and their supervisory area commanders in the state are to beef-up security in their area of responsibility ahead to prevent any break down of law and order and ensures adequate deployment of officers and assets to prevent occurrence of crimes and criminality.”

The CP further charge officers to continues intensive patrol, Stop and search, raids of black spots, Crime prone areas and other anti-crime strategies to ensure public safety during and after the celebration.

He also warned that personnel deployed are to be professional and civil to the members of the public.

The Commissioner of Police wishes all Muslims a happy celebration the statement added.

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